How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki
How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki' title='How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki' />How to install Fuse ZX Spectrum emulator on raspberry pi Ras. Pi. TVHow to install Fuse ZX Spectrum emulator in Debian Wheezy Beta and Raspbian. On the Raspberry Pi site there is a thread about how to install this spectrum emulator in Arch. I figured it was time to have a go in Wheezy just for the heck of it and it worked. Not 1. 00 still cant get it to make sound reliably and satisfactorily through HDMI, but I have managed to get it working well through the analog audio out so you can use headphones or speakers to get those primitive speccy sounds. How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki WirelessCreate a local repository and use yum to have it resolve the dependencies for you. The CentOS wiki has a nice page providing a howto on this. Ive made this tutorial because theres no installer for the Linux versions of Sublime Text. While thats not a real problem, I feel there is a cleaner way to. This seems to work OK now. The good news is its a lot simpler in the Debian Wheezy Beta as well. Just a couple of commands. So, lets get goingBoot up your Pi into Debian Wheezy. Once logged in command line, typesudo apt get install fuse emulator common. Y to confirm that you want it. Attachments/kcs-40524/install_5.jpg' alt='How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki' title='How To Install Games On Arch Linux Wiki' />This then installs fuse emulator gtk, libaudiofile. It also suggested installing spectrum roms and fuse emulator utils. I tried running it without installing these and a message came up about not using the original spectrum ROM. So I installed the extra packages withsudo apt get install spectrum roms fuse emulator utils. Then, before you go into X, you may need to sort out the soundsudo amixer cset numid3 1 You dont need to do this in Raspbian. Changing the final 1 for a 2 would force HDMI but this didnt work for me. It only works on headphone socket for me pity, but a step in the right direction. White Patch On Sole Of Foot. Ill have to attach some speakers as the sounds of manic miner are a bit too raw for headphones. Then, to get to the graphical user interface GUI typestartx. Once youre in LXDE, click the icon in the bottom left of the screen and selectgames Fuse Spectrum Emulator GTK versionThis will fire up the emulator. First thing youll want to do is enlarge the display by clicking the maximize square in the top right of the FUSE window. Loading a game. Then click Media Tape Open. Then browse to where your tzx files are and select one and click Open. Hcm 2000 Software more. If your tzx contains more than one file, choose the one you want and click open. Then you will get a blank screen, thats rather puzzling until you realise all youve done is simulated putting a tape in the tape recorder. You still have to load it. Type J LOADthen CTRLPP and press enter. Your game will load simply follow the on screen instructions to play it. If the sound is too loud, options sound and change beeper volume to a lower figure. At any time you can press F1. FUSE. Getting hold of gamessoftware. Many spectrum games and programs can be downloaded from world of spectrum.